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현재위치 : 제품소개 > 공지사항

제약 자동 선별기 정제 / 캡슐

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 11,278회 작성일 12-05-21 09:47


제조사: 미국 Gi
모델: PS-3000

Pharmaceutical PS3000 Automatic Sorting and Inspection

Up to 3,000 parts per minute

For All Dimensional & Visual defects

360° Full Inspection
All sides and ALL defects in ONE Pass

Small footprint only 56″ x 30″ (closed)

All Shapes & Sizes
From tablets to gel caps to soft gels, detection covers Shape, Integrity, Aspect, Coating, Printing, contamination & Engraving

Visual Defects
• Shape: diameter, length, width, thickness
• Integrity: broken, chipped, capped, laminated
• Aspect: spot, speck, color vartiation, foreign particles
• Coating: orange peel, chip, crack, speck
• Engraving: bridging, punch sticking, unreadable
• Contamination: foreign products

User friendly GUI combined with high resolution color cameras, advanced illumination and sophisticated custom algorithms provide the most accurate images and maximize defect detection capabilities.

Material Handling
Vacuum assisted drums allow 8 parts per row to be inspected for a combined total of 3,000 per minute. Servo motor control transfers each part to a second drum for opposite side inspection.


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Total 120건 1 페이지
공지사항 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
120 관리자 16479 04-20
119 관리자 15342 11-05
118 관리자 15012 07-09
117 관리자 14816 11-05
116 관리자 12090 02-08
115 관리자 11975 06-10
114 관리자 11749 06-02
113 관리자 11583 05-16
112 관리자 11496 08-14
111 관리자 11302 07-18
열람중 관리자 11279 05-21
109 관리자 11212 01-19
108 관리자 11095 11-24
107 관리자 10980 06-10
106 관리자 10945 04-20
게시물 검색

회사소개 제품소개 온라인문의 고객지원